After Accident You Should

Even if you suffer only minor injuries, an auto accident can be one of the most serious misfortunes that ever befalls you. In addition to the shock of the auto accident, it can result in civil and criminal action, jail sentences and serious financial loss.

The cost and the things that can happen to you as the person who caused an accident or the amount you can recover as the victim of an accident, depend to a large extent on what you do and say after the mishap. You owe it to yourself to take careful note of the post accident procedures recommended in the following paragraphs.

If you are involved in an auto accident

There are several things you should do immediately or as soon as possible after an auto accident.

A. Stop at once and give all the help you can to anyone who is hurt, but avoid moving injured people. If possible have someone call an ambulance or doctor.

B. Notify the local police authorities immediately if someone is injured or killed.

C. Obtain the names and addresses of all witnesses or as many as possible, as well as the badge numbers of police officers and the names and addresses of doctors or ambulance services.

D. Exchange drivers licenses, registration certificates and insurance company information with the other driver, in the case of a collision, as well as the names of other occupants of the cars. If any of them have been injured make a note of the type and extent of their injuries. If a pedestrian is involved, exchange names and addresses with him and make note of his injuries.

E. If at all possible, arrange to have photographs taken of the damaged car or cars, as well as of skid marks and other physical evidence.

F. If you are injured, try to be examined your regular physician as soon as possible

G. If you collide with an unattended vehicle or other object, try to locate the owner and report the accident. When this is not possible, leave a note on the car or object with your name and address. If you have injured or the accident was caused by a farm animal, try to locate the owner.

H. Report the accident with in twenty four hours to your automobile insurance company or broker.

I. Report the accident to the local police or proper authorities within forty eight hours of the mishap, and fill out an accident report.

Published by Carleton Spears on 2015-07-13

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