Medical Malpractice

Every day, thousands of people become victims of medical negligence.

Medical Malpractice is an area of personal injury law that deals with injuries suffered as result of a doctor, surgeon, or other health care provider that was negligent in treatment. Medical malpractice describes a situation where a doctor, surgeon, or other provider did not exercise the degree of care and skill that another in their same specialty would use under similar circumstances.

Malpractice Claims Are Difficult & Complicated

Every year thousands of people are killed, disfigured, or seriously injured by medical malpractice. Physicians have an obligation to their patients to use a degree of care, skill, and judgment which another doctor, practicing under similar circumstances would use, having due regard for the state of medical science at the time that their patient was treated. A physician who fails to conform with these standards is considered to be negligent. And if that negligence causes injury or death to a patient, that physician should be held responsible. Any medical professional must operate within recognized standards of practice or be subject to a lawsuit. As a medical mal practice lawyer in San Antonio, I represent clients in the following areas of medical malpractice cases:

Wrongful death
■ Improper administration of the wrong drugs
■ Operating on the wrong body part
■ Performing procedures physician is not licensed to perform
■ Leaving a foreign object in the patient
■ Misrepresenting credentials
■ Paralysis caused by severed nerve during surgery
■ Improper delivery during child birth causing defects

Insurance companies often want to settle medical malpractice claims quickly, in order to minimize the amount that they have to pay you for your loss. If a settlement is made too quickly after an accident has occured, the full impact of the injury may not be known. If you accept an early settlement offer from an insurance company, you may be waiving your right to seek additional compensation later on if it turns out that the injury is more serious than you thought. Dealing with an insurance company can be difficult and frustrating. When you hire a medical malpractice attorney, the insurance company will then be obligated to deal with that attorney, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

If you or a loved one has been killed or has sustained injuries due to the negligent behavior of a medical professional, then you deserve to be compensated for medical bills, lost wages, future income and pain and suffering. My job is to help victims of medical malpractie get the compensation that can help them cover their costs while they struggle to cope with a life-altering personal injury. I do not charge an attorney fees for personally consulting with you about your medical malpractice case. As your medical mal practice attorney, I work on a contingency fee basis, meaning I charge nothing for my services unless I receive a monetary award for you. Don’t delay, contact me for a free consultation.

Think You Have Experienced Medical Malpractice? Contact Us

To speak with one of our attorneys, contact us online or call (210) 366-3100. I offer free initial consultations in personal injury and wrongful death cases. My office is located near North Star Mall & Blanco.

Published by Carleton Spears on 2015-07-13